
Shine Girl Shine Top Coat

  • $16.00

Get ready to dazzle with Shine Girl Shine Top Coat designed to add a brilliant, glass-like finish to your nails. This top coat is the perfect final touch to elevate any manicure, providing a long-lasting, mirror-like shine.

Whether you're flaunting a simple nude or a vibrant shade, this top coat promises to deliver a stunning, professional-looking shine.


Halal nail polish – more than just a trend, it's a conscious choice for mindful beauty enthusiasts. Our unique formula offers:

  • Breathable and water-permeable innovation
  • Vibrant and enduring shades
  • Ethical, cruelty-free production
  • Inclusivity with a range of stylish colors


Elevate your nail care routine with Halal nail polish, where ethics and aesthetics come together for a polished, guilt-free manicure experience