
business history

  • Glam Rock Nails

    I will always be transparent in what I do. I think the sharing of information is so crucial to help others grow and hopefully not make the same mistakes. I have a passion for being a business woman. I have wanted to own my own SUCCESSFUL business since I was a kid! However successful is something...
  • I'm not your super woman

    Quick disclaimer: This post is more herstorical content than polish and nail care. When I created Glam Rock Nails I was pregnant. I needed a solution to a problem and I went running like Forrest Gump. Run Tanya, ruuuunnnnn. I had to run because I knew there was going to be a lil set back called b...
  • Here's What I Know

    I created my business more than 5 years ago. I was pregnant, I was still getting my nails done, I needed something odorless, non toxic, and non drying than acetone. I did a year's worth of research and let me tell you, back then there was a just a few of us. I'm pretty sure many of the